New and challenging times for property owners and operators as the COVID-19/Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread and affect our lives.

  • Public Health Canada recommends cleaning frequently touched surfaces twice per day
  • In addition to routine cleaning, surfaces that have frequent contact with hands should be cleaned and disinfected twice per day and when visibly dirty.
  • Examples include doorknobs, elevator buttons, light switches, toilet handles, counters, handrails, touch screen surfaces and keypads.
  • In addition to routine cleaning, check with your organization for any specific protocols for cleaning for COVID-19.
  • Some studies have shown that COVID-19 viruses can survive on surfaces from several hours to days depending on several factors
    • This may vary under different conditions such as surface type, relative temperature or humidity of the environment. The virus has been detectable up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.

We can help you with this extra workload by providing a cost effective disinfectant spraying program covering large areas such as building stairwells, outdoor railings and indoor hard surfaces of public and common spaces.

Our virucidal spray kills viruses in 10 minutes, can be left to air dry or wiped off and will not harm sealed stone, sealed grout or glazed tile.

For further information consult our Disinfectant Services FAQ

Call 613.803.8174 to discuss your needs.